[WR] nuclei of planetary nebulae: inferences from statistical studies of the nebulae.
Gorny S.K., Stasinska G.
1996, Hydrogen-Deficient Stars, Jeffery & Heber (eds.), ASP Conference Series, Vol. 96, 209

We have investigated the nebular properties of planetary nebulae known to have [WR]-type nuclei. We have found that morphological types, chemical abundances and electron densities are similar to those of the other planetary nebulae in the Galaxy. The only marked difference is that nebular expansion velocities are larger in the group of planetary nebulae with [WR] central stars. We argue that the WR phenomenon does not preferentially occur in more massive central stars of planetary nebulae. We demonstrate that, for most of the observed [WR]-type objects, the WR phenomenon could not be triggered by a final helium shell flash event.

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