Comparative study of a [WC 6] nucleus with other emission-lines nuclei of planetary nebulae. Acker A., Górny, S. K., Cuisinier F. 1996, A&A 305, 944-949 | |
[WR] nuclei of planetary nebulae: inferences from statistical studies of the nebulae. Górny, S. K., Stasinska G. 1996, Hydrogen-Deficient Stars, Jeffery & Heber (eds.), ASP Conference Series, Vol. 96, 209-212 | |
An extensive study of planetary nebulae with emission-line nuclei Acker A., Górny, S. K., Stenholm B. 1996, Proceedings of the Ven Workshop on Planetary Nebulas with WR Type Nuclei, Lundstrom & Stenholm (eds.), Ap&SS 238, 63-66 | |
Distances to planetary nebulae with [WR]-type central stars Górny, S. K. 1996, Proceedings of the Ven Workshop on Planetary Nebulas with WR Type Nuclei, Lundstrom & Stenholm (eds.), Ap&SS 238, 79-82 | |
Masses of the central stars of planetary nebulae Górny, S. K., Stasinska G., Tylenda, R. 1996, Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society, Sarna & Marks (eds.), Copernicus Fundation for Polish Astronomy, p. 67-70 |