Rotation powered pulsars as sources of high-energy particles (invited review for UHECR2000) Rudak, B. 2001, Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer), 576, 90 | |
Rotationally-induced asymmetry in the double-peak lightcurves of the bright EGRET pulsars Dyks, J. & Rudak, B. 2001, in 'Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001', AIP Conf. Proc., 587, 560 | |
Binary Stars as Gamma Ray Burst Progenitors Belczynski K., Bulik T. & Rudak, B. 2001, Proc. Bormio Meeting on Stellar Structure, ASP Conference Series, 229, 301 | |
Model spectra of rotation powered pulsars in the INTEGRAL range Dyks, J., Rudak, B. & Bulik T. 2001, Proc. 4th INTEGRAL Workshop, ESA SP, 459, 191 | |
PAH features in the ISO SWS01 spectra of [WR] planetary nebulae. Szczerba, R., Górny, S. K., Stasinska G., Siódmiak, N., Tylenda, R. 2001, Low mass Wolf-Rayet Stars: origin and evolution, Ap&SS 275, 113 | |
Statistics of planetary nebulae with [WR] central stars. Górny, S. K. 2001, Low mass Wolf-Rayet Stars: origin and evolution, Ap&SS 275, 67 | |
Observational database and statistical properties of proto-planetary nebulae. Szczerba, R., Górny, S. K., Zalfresso-Jundzillo M. 2001, Post-AGB objects as a phase of stellar evolution, Szczerba & Gorny (eds.), Kluwer, ASSL 265, p.13 | |
Post-AGB objects as a phase of stellar evolution. (Proceedings of the Torun Workshop, held July 5-7, 2000) Szczerba, R., Górny, S. K. (editors) 2001, Astrophysics Space Science Library, vol. 265, Kluwer, | |
Infrared properties of planetary nebulae with [WR] type central stars. Górny, S. K., Stasinska G., Szczerba, R. & Tylenda, R. 2001, A&A 377, 1007 |