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Copyright Krzysztof Helminiak, 2007-2016 ©

Curriculum vitae:
Born: April 28, 1983 in Barlinek, Poland
• 2013-...: Research fellow (post-doc) position at the Subaru Telescope (Hilo, HI, USA) of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
• 2010-2013: Post-doc position at the Pontifical Catholic University, Santiago de Chile
• 2010: PhD degree (astronomy), N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences
• 2006-2010: PhD studies in NCAC
• 2006: Master of Science Degree (astronomy), Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun
• 2005: Bachelor's Degree (astronomy), FPAI, NCU
• 2001-2006: studies at FPAI, NCU
List of publications.
Observational Practice:
- Optical and IR spectroscopy:
• 10-m Keck I/HIRES, 8.2-m Subaru/HDS and IRCS, 6.5-m Magellan/IMACS and PFS, ESO-3.6m/HARPS, MPG-2.2m/FEROS, 1.2-m Euler/CORALIE, 3.9-m AAT/UCLES, OAO-188cm/HIDES, CTIO 1.5-m/CHIRON (service mode), 1.9-m Radcliffe/GIRAFFE
- Optical photometry:
• 0.3-m PISCO (simultaneous mode with Euler/CORALIE), 0.6-m PROMPT (robotic; service and remote mode) 1.0-m Elizabeth, 0.5-m MITSuME (robotic, service mode)
- High-contrast imaging:
• 8.2-m Subaru/AO188+HiCIAO and IRCS
- Optical interferometry:
- Other:
• Student traineeship in the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and at the Astronomical Observatory of the Cracow Pedagogical University, Mt. Suhora.
• 2002-2004: Student galactic plane survey in HI line (21 cm) at the 32-m radiotelescope in Piwnice observatory (NCU).
Additionally, working with data from the following instruments:
Keck II/NIRC2 (high-contrast imaging, astrometry), VLT/UVES (spectroscopy), Hale/PHARO (high-contrast imaging, astrometry), Tillinghast/TRES (spectroscopy), Shane/CAT/HamSpec (spectroscopy), TNG/SARG and HARPS-N (spectroscopy), du Pont/Echelle (spectroscopy), 1.9m-OHP/ELODIE and SOPHIE, PTI (IR interferometry), SALT/RSS (spectroscopy), REM/REMIR (IR photometry).
Scholarships and prizes:
• 2011: The FONDECYT postdoctoral researcher scholarship
• 2009: Scholarships for Ph.D. students 2008/2009 - IROP
• 2015: XXIX General Assembly of the IAU, Honolulu, USA
• 2014: SEEDS workshop, Kobe, Japan
• 2014: Living together: planets, host stars and binaries, Litomyśl, Czech Republik (presentation)
• 2014: Cool Stars 18, Flagstaff, USA (poster)
• 2013: The 5th Subaru International Conference: Exoplanets and Disks, Kona, USA
• 2013: III INCAI Workshop, Santiago, Chile (LOC, presentation)
• 2012: 3rd VVV Science Meeting, Viña del Mar, Chile (presentation, LOC)
• 2012: Observing Planetary Systems II, Santiago, Chile (poster)
• 2011: Extreme Solar Systems II, Jackson Lake Lodge, USA (poster)
• 2010: The First VVV Science Meeting, Vina del Mar, Chile (poster)
• 2010: 216th American Astronomical Society meeting, Miami, USA
• 2009: XXXIV Convention of the Polish Astronomical Society, Cracow, Poland
• 2009: International Conference of Young Astronomers, Cracow, Poland (presentation, LOC)
• 2009: XXVII General Assembly of the IAU, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
• 2008: III Polish Meeting of Astronomy Ph.D. Students, Warsaw, Poland (presentation)
• 2008: IAU Symposium No. 258 “The Ages of Stars”, Baltimore, USA (poster)
• 2008: Extrasolar planets in multi-body systems: theory and observations, Toruń, Poland (LOC, presentation, poster)
• 2008: Astrometry and Imaging with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, Keszthely, Hungary (poster)
• 2008: Physics and astrophysics of planetary systems, Les Houches, France (presentation)
• 2007: Extra-Solar Planets: The detection, formation, evolution and dynamics of planetary systems, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, United Kingdom (poster)
• 2007: UK-V4 Frontiers of Science Symposium, Cracow, Poland (poster)
• 2006: III Polish Conference of Astronomy Students, Toruń, Poland (LOC)
• 2006: XXI International Conference of Physics Students, Bucarest, Romania (poster)
• 2005: IV Polish Conference of Physic Students Associations, Cracow, Poland (presentation)
Invited Talks:
• 2014: Instituto de Astronomia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica
• 2014: Departamento de Fisica, Universidad La Serena
• 2013: Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu
• 2011: ESO Santiago
• 2009: Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Warsaw
• 2008: Anglo-Australian Observatory, Sydney
• PI of a Polish National Science Center (NCN) grant no. 2011/03/B/ST9/01819
• Reviewer for “Astrophysical Journal”, “Astronomical Journal”, “Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific”, “Acta Astronomica”, and “New Astronomy”
• Construction of the Solaris-4 telescope in CASLEO, Argentina
• Commissioning of the high-resolution echelle spectrograph PUCHEROS